Renewable Energy Task Force/Community Power Aggregation Committee

Temple's 100% Renewable Energy Task Force

Temple citizens approved a Warrant Article at the 2018 Town Meeting to establish a task force with a goal to manifest the following mission.

Our Mission Statement

To evaluate and propose viable, cost-effective options for converting Temple’s municipal energy usage to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Our Actions So Far

  • We have collected the energy usage data for Temple’s municipal sector to assess the demand for each building.
  • We obtained professional energy audits for Town Hall and the Annex - neither previously audited or retrofitted for energy efficiency.
  • We held meetings with directors of the NH Community Development Finance Authority and Clean Energy NH to discuss financial assistance options.
  • We invited three reputable solar installers to conduct site visits at the FD/Municipal Building, review their energy usage data and recommend options for a solar installation.
  • We are evaluating the possibility of installing an EV (electric vehicle) charging station in town.

Our Plan Going Forward

  • We will continue to evaluate options for cost-neutral, viable proposals to convert our municipal energy usage to renewables.
  • We will hold discussions with appropriate town boards and committees before bringing our recommendations to Town Meetings for approval.
  • And we will assist in the oversight of installations and financial arrangements for the renewable energy sources selected until we reach our goal. 

Temple’s Energy Usage

  • Yearly electrical usage for all town buildings 30,000 KWh (cost apprx. $7000)
  • Yearly fuel usage (oil and propane) 45,000 gallons (cost apprx. $7500)

Members of the Combined TEEC/Renewable Energy Task Force

Robert Wills



Beverly Edwards



Deb Deieso
