Capital Improvement Plan Committee (CIP)

About the Capital Improvements Program

The CIP typically meets twice a month from September to January on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7 pm, however, meeting dates may be adjusted to accommodate the committee members as well as holidays. Please check the calendar for 2017/18 meeting dates. All meetings are open to the public. Presently we have one vacancy and are looking for someone who is skilled in formatting & layout in Word. If you are interested in becoming a committee member please contact and they will relay your interest to the committee.

The Capital Improvement Plan Committee was formed at the request of the Temple Town Meeting March 2004. Its purpose is to examine and develop an ongoing plan for capital expenditures (defined as projects or equipment costing more than $5,000 with a useful life of 5 years). By creating such a plan, it allows the Town to anticipate major expenditures through budgetary forecasting, thus resulting in a more stable cost of town government. The CIP, when coupled with the Master Plan, allows the Town to monitor the impact of future development. This plan is a living document, being revised and re-evaluated on an annual basis. As Temple's needs change, the document will reflect the changes. Each year we update & continue to improve the CIP Plan. With ongoing communication between the various departments within Town government, we can continue to develop a fiscally sound and responsible plan for the future of the citizens of Temple. See links for 2017-2026 Plan and/or CIP Explained.


Gail Cromwell



Andrew Paul



Tim Fiske



Michael Darnell



Ken Caisse


Christine Robidoux

Planning Board Representative